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Showing posts from January, 2024



 Sports mean big business. With the fall of the Iron Curtain,  increasing globalization and sporting interaction between nations, the global sports industry has been boosted into a new realm. More and more global sporting events have been taking place all over the world. Revenues in sports are generated from multiple platforms.  Embedded Video Player Example BUL KOORA Join Telegram Media advertising, promotion, telecast rights, endorsements and other means attribute to the enormous sums of money that competitive sports attracts. Sporting goods companies like Adidas, Puma, Nike and other brands are multibillion dollar companies. Sports like soccer, basketball, football, boxing, golf, baseball, tennis and cricket are some of the sports that are sponsored by these leading brands in sporting goods. These worldwide recognizable brands have built their emp


 Tennis Elbow is a common sports injury---even among non-players.  It causes pain that limits your ability to play sports,  or even do normal daily activities in some cases.  Despite the fact that Tennis Elbow is a common problem, very few of my clients really understand what it is or what the proper sports therapy is for this condition.  Embedded Video Player Example ITA SPORT TV 1 ENG ENG Join Telegram Tennis elbow, known properly as lateral epicondylitis, is inflammation and pain of the lateral forearm near the elbow. In some cases, tearing of the muscle actually occurs from a sports injury. Lateral epicondylitis usually results from overuse of the extensor muscles that insert onto the lateral epicondyle.  A commonly implicated muscle is the extensor carpi radialis.  Despite the location of the pain being at the el


Fancy a sports car? Looking to add a sports car to your collection? Well,  go ahead. We cannot tell you what to do and what not to do. But we can tell you the importance of sports car insurance. Is sports car insurance expensive? In general, the more you buy for your car, the more protection it needs, and hence the higher your insurance cost. As a result, it stands to reason that the most expensive cars to insure are those with a higher MSRP, to begin with.  Embedded Video Player Example ENG SER DAZN 1 ENG ENG ENG KOORA Join Telegram   A sports car may have high-performance capabilities and a beautiful style, but many drivers know that they have particular insurance requirements before purchasing one.     While adrenaline addicts may like the thrilling


  The love of - nay,   addiction to - competitive and solitary sports cuts across all social-economic strata and throughout all the demographics. Whether as a passive consumer (spectator), a fan, or as a participant and practitioner, everyone enjoys one form of sport or so another. Wherefrom this universal propensity? Embedded Video Player Example ENG ESP ENG DAZN 2 ENG Join Telegram Sports cater to multiple psychological and physiological deep-set needs. In this they are unique: no other activity responds as do sports to so many dimensions of one's person, both emotional, and physical. But, on a deeper level, sports provide more than instant gratification of primal (or base, depending on one's point of view) instincts, such as the urge to compete and to dominate. 1. Vin


  Major factors that propel growth of the sports medicine market is increasing number of participation in sports globally. Events such as the 2008 Beijing Olympics has led to increasing inclination of people in Asia Pacific towards sports. Additionally,   growing demand for outpatient, minimally invasive surgeries are key factors contributing to growth of the sports medicine market. Athletes of all competition levels are early adopters of novel treatment methods.  Embedded Video Player Example ENG ENG KOORA Join Telegram They are driven to find less invasive methods of injury management and faster means of returning to their sport activities. So minimally invasive and small incision replacement surgery is an evolving area with improved rehabilitation and pain management to accelerate post-surgery recovery. Furthermore, Manufacturers ar


 Sports medicine physical therapy jobs are an ideal choice for individuals who are interested in the physical therapy profession. With the increasing relevance and seriousness of sports and games,  sports medicine has also gained a larger significance. To become a sports medicine physical therapist, you must have a graduate degree from a recognized physical therapy program and pass a licensure exam. Embedded Video Player Example ENG SPORT TV 2 ENG ENG KOORA Join Telegram Sports medicine physical therapy jobs give qualified individuals an opportunity to work in an extensive range of settings including sports complexes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, clinics, skilled nursing facilities, long term care centers, employee health centers, research centers, doctors' offices, state an


 Almost all people especially in the United States of America are loved to play Kentucky football sport. There is no need to say that football sport is one of the most popular games in the youth. The experts of sports acclaimed and applauded that players of football are the ones with strongest and powerful extremities and they have very sound intellectual thinking. These are some of the great things about the football sport.    Soccer is famous among the layman by the name of ‘Football’. The term ‘Soccer’ has been derived from the word ‘assoc’ that in turn originated from ‘Association’. The game is basically about ‘playing ball with the foot’. Embedded Video Player Example ENG ENG SPORT TV 1 KOORA Today,  football is played at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to football s


  Muhammad Ali, born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. and also known as Cassius Clay, was an American heavyweight champion boxer and an iconic figure of the 20th century. On February 25, 1964, Ali won the heavyweight champion of the world title after defeating Sonny Liston in a knockout, famously proclaiming, “I am the greatest!”. His illustrious boxing career, often referred to as the “boxing Ali” era, included victories over formidable opponents like Joe Frazier and Jerry Quarry. Muhammad Ali Jr, his son, also followed in his father’s footsteps and pursued a career in boxing. Embedded Video Player Example ENG KOORA Join Telegram But on June 3, 2016, the world came to a standstill as it mourned the loss of the legendary boxer. Ali’s death marked the end of an era for the boxing world and beyond. His stance against the war led to the suspension of his


 A sportsperson or an athlete winning a competition and fetching laurels to his team and country soon becomes an eye candy especially amongst kids and youth. It is his/her outstanding performance that makes the sportsperson a role model for the upcoming young talents to follow. The excelling performance on the field is a cumulative result of athlete’s training,  hard work, fitness, discipline and natural talent. Embedded Video Player Example ENG Join Telegram Nevertheless, an indispensable component behind athlete’s fitness and performance is nutrition. A well balanced diet covers the body’s nutritional needs besides providing immunity and increased stamina. An active person’s fueling is significantly different from a couch potato. Realizing this, many sports nutrition programs have come up in the recent years. These programs provide natural supplements to enhance an athlete’s outcom

UFC 307

 To view or listen to the current sports news,  many people are depending on a variety of news channels. However,  they do not know much that only reporting of the current stories is done by these news channels. Thus, a lot of curiosity is developed in relation to the sporting events. This is liked by the  people the most. One must take the example of the cricket.  Embedded Video Player Example ENG ENG ENG ENG Join Telegram If a cricket match is on and if a person is in certain part of the globe, he would surely like to have an awareness of the current score. Then he must always visit the website of news sports. Here he will get all the current sports news. This will tell all the current scores. This is because various sports have to be reported by these websites. On the other hand, the websites of sports will


  Gone are the days, when a career in sports was generally associated with a national level sportsperson or an Olympic athlete. Nowadays, the scope of sports has increased by leaps and bounds; in turn, accommodating the graduates of sports management too. These graduates handle everything from the sports team, public relations, team promotion to the maintenance of sports equipments. Embedded Video Player Example ENG ITA ENG DAZN IT SPORT TV 2 ENG KOORA Join Telegram Job Profile A sports management graduate can work anywhere starting from school/college/national level sports teams,  public/private sports agencies, public relation firms, athletic departments, health gymnasiums to recreation organizations. Irrespective of the nature